🌠Lottery Boost

What is the Lottery?

The lottery game rewards those who stake their $MRC tokens, offering participants a chance to win prizes based on their staked amount. The concept is straightforward: the more tokens you stake, the higher your chances of winning. This system is designed to promote staking while ensuring fairness in prize distribution, serving as a transparent way to incentivize active participation in our community.

The draw occurs every 100 mined blocks of BTC, approximately every 17 hours. Prizes are determined based on Moon Roll's profit during the round. The prize pool can be multiplied by the Jackpot wheel. Here's how it works:

  • At the start of each draw, a wheel spins to define a multiplier for the prizes.

  • ALL prizes are then multiplied by this multiplier.

  • The maximum multiplier is set at 5x and increases by 1x each round if the Jackpot isn't triggered.

  • It resets to 5x if a multiplier other than 1x is drawn.

  • The multiplier draw ranges from 1x to the maximum multiplier.

The $MRC token's demand rises due to the MRC lottery, where staking MRC tokens offers a chance to win a share of the casino's profits. Lottery prizes are funded by the profit-sharing pool, accumulating of the casino's daily profits each round.

Lottery Boost

Enhance your Lottery winning odds by leveraging your position with Moon Roll NFT:

  • For each White Eyes: Increase your leverage by x1 (Up to 5x maximum).

  • For each Silver Eyes: Double your leverage by x2 (Up to 10x maximum).

  • For each Gold Eyes: Triple your leverage by x3 (Up to 20x maximum).

  • For each Diamond Eyes: Quadruple your leverage by x4 (Up to 30x maximum).

Last updated